Study materials

Independent study shortens the path of our development.

I will help you regain your health, but for that, your

full collaboration is needed.

Collaboration in this case means understanding the mechanisms that regulatehealth and well-being in our body.

This section contains all the necessary material to familiarize yourself with the theory and practice behind the Genesis Project created by Dr. Paul Zelig Rodberg. All links are marked with underlining. Click on them to download the attachments you are interested in.

You will also find key videos that will answer many of your questions; they will also accompany you while performing exercises with weights, lymphatic drainage, and body detoxification.

Recommended videos

Zadania domowe
Below, a small guide created many years ago, but still provides very useful basic information for restoring health.

Simple Diagnosis
Turin 2006. A short presentation showing how easy it is to identify our physical discomfort through simple manual diagnostics.

Video materials from the conference in Varese divided into 4 parts, discussing the methodology in detail. They also serve as a strong complement to the exercises recommended by Dr. Paul.

Video 2 from Varese conference

Video 3 from Varese conference

Video 4 from Varese conference

Project Genesis’


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